We provide the new cervical cancer diagnosis market by servicing 7 million cases.
  • cervicography
    • +7,000,000
    • Service case
    • +27years
    • Business experience
    • +80%
    • Market share in Korea
    • Ref) Internal Market Research
    • +500,000
    • New Service cases every year
  • Tele Cervicography
    Compensates for the low sensitivity and high false negative rate of the Pap smear test.
    Telecervicography enables interpretation by taking enlarged images of cervical lesions that are difficult to distinguish with VIA
    (Visual Inspection with Acetic acid)
    It can be taken on-site and requested for remote interpretation without the need for medical infrastructure or facilities.
    It can transmit accurate readings and results by oncologists.
  • High image quality
    High image quality

    Reproduction of actual cervical images with the best closeup imaging

  • protection
    Strengthened information protection

    Image loss prevention and backup function enhancement

  • wifi
    2.4Ghz, 5Ghz wifi

    Supports fast transmission speeds and reliable network services

  • interface
    Simple interface

    Improved UI/UX design so that everyone can easily use it

  • Touch Screen
    Touch Screen

    Provides an intuitive use environment with LCD touch

  • design
    Ergonomic design

    Ergonomic design makes it light and easy to use