Privacy Policy​

In accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act Huplain Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the ¡°Company¡±) established and opened to public the following privacy policy to protect the personal information and rights and interests of data subjects and to settle relevant problems promptly and smoothly.

The order of the privacy policy is as follows.

  1. 1. Purpose of personal information processing and processed personal information items
  2. 2. Personal information processing and retention period
  3. 3. Provision of personal information to third parties
  4. 4. Outsourcing of personal information processing
  5. 5. Rights and obligations of data subjects and exercise methods
  6. 6. Destruction of personal information
  7. 7. Actions to secure safety of personal information
  8. 8. Privacy protection officer
  9. 9. Reliefs for infringed rights and interests
  10. 10. Other matters on personal information processing and management
  11. 11. Amendments and announcements of privacy policy
  1. 1. Processing purposes of personal information processing and processed personal information items

    The Company processes information processing for the purposes below. Processed personal information are not used for uses other than intended below, and should the uses of personal information change, we will perform necessary actions such as obtaining a separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

    Data subject : Online inquirer
    Purpose of processing : receiving online inquiries and notifying inquiry feedback, email
    Personal information collected: name, contact information, email

  2. 2. Personal information processing and retention period

    1. (1) The Company processes and retains the personal information within the personal information retention period pursuant to relevant laws or the period to which the data subjects had consented during collection of personal information.
    2. (2) The information will be destroyed without delay upon fulfillment of usage purpose.
  3. 3. Provision of personal information to third parties

    The company processes the personal information of the information subject within the scope notified in Paragraph 1 (Purpose of processing personal information) and does not provide it to any other person or entity. However, in accordance with Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, personal information may be provided to third parties in accordance with the law, such as the consent of the information subject or special provisions of the law.

  4. 4. Rights and obligations of data subjects and exercise methods

    1. (1) Data subjects may exercise the following personal information protection rights against the Company as prescribed in relevant laws including the Personal Information Protection Act
      1. ¨ç Demand to peruse personal information
      2. ¨è Demand to correct errors, etc
      3. ¨é Demand to delete
      4. ¨ê Request to stop processing
    2. (2) The rights in paragraph 1 may be exercised in writing, via telephone, electronic mail and fax, and the Company shall take actions without delay after confirming the identity of the person.
    3. (3) When data subjects demand the correction of errors in, or deletion of, personal information, the Company shall not utilize or provide said personal information until such correction or deletion is complete.
    4. (4) The right in paragraph 1 may be exercised through agents, such as legal agents or entrusted person, of the data subjects. In this case, power of attorney in Annex Form 11 of Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act needs to be submitted.
    5. (5) Data subject may not infringe personal information and privacy of data subject himself/herself or other persons that are processed by the Company by violating relevant laws, including the Personal Information Protection Act.
    6. (6) In principle, the Company does not collect personal information of data subjects below 14 years of age. If the company is obliged to collect of personal information of a person below 14 years of age, then the Company will obtain the consent of the person¡¯s legal agent in advance. In this case, the minimal information(name, contact number) needed for obtaining the consent can be directly collected from said person below 14 years of age without prior consent of legal agent.
  5. 5. Destruction of personal information

    1. (1) The Company destroys personal information when it becomes unnecessary, such as expiration of personal information retention period and fulfillment of process objectives, Provided, that in the event where personal information needs to be retained continuously, said personal information shall be moved to a separate database or preserved in a separate storage.
    2. (2) The procedures and methods of destruction of personal information are as follows.
      1. ¨ç Destruction procedures The Company selects personal information with reasons for destruction and destroys it with the approval of privacy protection officer of the Company.
      2. ¨è Destruction methods The Company destroys personal information which is recorded and saved in electronic file format using technical methods that renders such records irreproducible, and personal information which is recorded and stored in papers by shredding with a shredder or by incineration.
  6. 6. Actions to secure safety of personal information

    The Company takes following actions to secure safety of personal information.

    1. (1) Administrative actions : Establishment and implementation of internal management plan and regular staff training, etc.
    2. (2) Technical actions : anagement of access rights to personal information processing system, installation of access control system, encryption of unique identification information, and installation of security programs.
    3. (3) Physical actions: Restriction of access to data processing room and data storage room.
  7. 7. Privacy protection officer

    To take overall responsibility for tasks related to personal information processing, handle complaints and relieve damages of data subjects related to personal information processing, the Company designates the following privacy protection officers.

    • protection officer : Seungjin Lee conductor
    • Contact number : 031-902-4072
  8. 8. Relief for infringement of rights

    Information subjects can contact the personal information protection manager and the responsible department for all personal information protection-related inquiries, complaint handling, damage relief, etc. that arise while using the company's services (or business).
    Any other privacy infringement reports or consultations should be inquired to the following institutions

    • [Personal Information Infringement Report Center]
      • • Report, request consultation on personal information infringement
      • • / (Without area code)118
      • • (Post code 138-950) ersonal Information Infringement Report Center, Korea Internet and Security Agency, 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul
    • [Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee]
      • • Request personal mediation dispute mediation, collective dispute mediation(civil settlement)
      • • / (Without area code)118
      • • (Post code 138-950) ersonal Information Infringement Report Center, Korea Internet and Security Agency, 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul
    • [Cybercrime Investigation Department, Supreme Prosecutor¡¯s Office]
      • • / 02-3480-3573
    • [Cyber Terror Response Center, National Police Agency]
      • • / 1566-0112
  9. 9. Other matters on personal information processing and management

    1. (1) For matters not prescribed in this Privacy Policy, the Company will follow the prescriptions of Personal Information Protection Act and Enforcement Rules thereof.
    2. (2) The Company does not install or operate automatic collection device(cookies) in this site.
  10. 10. Amendments and announcements of privacy policy

    The company's personal information handling policy was enacted on October 1, 2023, and changes in accordance with relevant laws, guidelines, and internal regulations will be disclosed in accordance with the methods prescribed by relevant laws.

    • • Announcement date : October 1, 2023
    • • Implementation Date : October 7, 2023